
TE-9200 Eyeball Target Measurement System

페이지 정보

작성자 다일과학교역 작성일 2008-04-27 08:24:33


TechnoWorks CO,.LTD.



   TE-9200 Eyeball Target Measurement System 


( 제품위치 : 과학기자재전시실 > 분석장비 >  시선검출 및 안구운동해석 )


The image people have of an "object" is almost always formed mostly from visual 

information. So the external design of a product (placement of patterns & letters, 

coloring, size, shape, etc.) has a gigantic impact on a customer's desire to buy 

a product and the impression the product makes.

In some cases just changing the color of a item is enough to give it huge appeal 

and turn it into a hit product.

The psychological state of a person is also greatly reflected by their 

eyeball movements so that detecting these eye movements is an ideal tool for predicting 

human behavior and thinking.

These facts prompted us to develop the "TE-9200 Eyeball Target Measurement System" 

as a way to accurately detect the position people are looking at.

This system basically works by measuring and plotting the eye gazing point of a test 

subject while showing him a test photo or pattern on a computer screen.

Designs or patterns that effectively matches the user's particular goal can easily be 

added to measure the eye gazing point for a particular time or spatial area.

Users having a particular need not included in the "TE-9200" standard features can easily 

design their own personal system.

Creating your own system is easy because all you need is the application program. 

After that, it connects through "RS-232C serial communications port" (or USB port) to 

the computer and it can receive data on the eye gazing point coordinates (x,y).


* Eye gazing point is plotted on the image.

* Display can be split up into areas and the percent of an area occupied 

  as eye gazing points measured.

* Eye gazing points can be individually displayed per time unit.

* Eye gazing points on the image can be plotted in real time. 

  (Optional functions currently under development.)

* Printouts can be made of all eye gazing points.

* Use of non-contact system ensures there are no strange or unpleasant sensations. 

  Measurements can be made under natural eye conditions.

* System is compact ( A4 papaer's size) and a lightweight of 3.1 kilograms makes 

  it portable and easy to move.

* System has "RS-232C" port as a standard equipment so connects easily to almost of 


* Creating an original system to match your application program and development goals 

  is really easy.


Product design   

Ideal for research and studies on shapes and coloring of new products. 

Printing material design Great for research and tests on letters, size,

coloring and photo layout of printed matter of all kinds including posters,

advertisements and magazines, etc. 

Design layouts    

Highly useful in research and tests on psychological effects and visual balance 

of coloring and item size arrangement needed for household furniture or

product design layouts, etc. 

Eyeball movement measurement

Ideal for research and studies on measuring simple eyeball movement, relation of

psychological state to eyeball movement, and correlation of various images

with eyeball movement, etc. 

Combining movement with eye target points  

Highly useful as a research and study tool for measuring eye gazing points on

continuously changing moving pictures such as when monitoring eyeball

movements during TV show evaluations or measuring automobile driver’s eye gazing


( 제품위치 : 과학기자재전시실 > 분석장비 >  시선검출 및 안구운동해석 )